You should love what you do. That is the reason we are able to offer you a wide range of services with scalable virtual teams that enable us to be efficient and productive to design the solution that best fits to your needs and making sure the privacy of your business.

Big Data Analytics

Our Big Data Analytics services to harness big data and drive better business decisions through big data strategy consultation and big data on the cloud, data security, privacy and high performance and maintenance

Businesses, due to acceleration in business world changes, need quicker decision-making processes with higher accuracy. Let's solve your big data related digital transformation problems together.

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table

Enterprise Mobility

The competition in the business world forcing you to be available around the clock, responding quickly with a fully aligned workforce. Work is not limited with the offices and buildings but wherever there is a business value creation opportunity is.

To be transparent, highly available and quick. You need an enterprise level mobility with the help of technology while we transform together your processes by redesigning. Let's discover what are the opportunities that you need to take for your business success for today and tomorrow.

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table

Managed Services

Businesses needs to focus to their core function that creates the main business value. Everything else as function are necessary evils just increase the cost and speed of your business operations if provided in-house.

If you want to complete your transformation digitally, the goal should be scalability and flexibility. Let us help you make these goals the reality of your business.

man using IP phone inside room
man using IP phone inside room

Cloud Services

An important part of the digital transformation is about migrating your enterprise level business applications to the cloud. Seems easier to say than doing it, right? We know the problems you are facing. Your on-premise application with lots of information that need migrating cloud by optimizing the cloud service costs while ensuring the privacy, security and data accuracy.

If you need to optimize your cloud services, or migrating or simply maintaining your cloud services and applications. Virtual Sun is here to support you for reliable and secure cloud services experience.

Digitalization of Business Operations

Whether it is about modernizing your business applications or redesigning your business processes with the help of cloud technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and even with Internet of Things for a fully integrated business operations.

Digitalizing your Business Operations require careful planning and a professional team. Such projects if sponsored and supported by top management of the businesses while a professional project team works on the mutually agreed vision results are rewarding. Let us help you with a professional team that is flexible and scalable to your needs.

If you don’t know where to start, let us help you explore some ideas by giving you an affordable consulting services.

iPad with four business persons shaking hands display
iPad with four business persons shaking hands display